Dr. Sloan has been the Executive Director of the Georgia Retired Educators Association since 2005. He retired in 2005 after serving as principal of East Hall High School for more than 17 years.
Sloan was also a principal at Lyman Hall Elementary and Chestnut Mt. Elementary Schools. Dr. Sloan began his career as a teacher and a football and baseball coach at South Hall High School.
Dr. Sloan was named the State High School Principal of the Year in 2004 by the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals. He has previously served on the Professional Association of Georgia Educators Board of Directors and the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals Board of Directors.
Dr. Sloan holds an undergraduate degree from Georgia Southern College, two degrees from the University of Georgia and a doctorate in Educational Administration from NOVA Southeastern University. He and his wife, Janice, have two children and two grandchildren. They reside in Gainesville.