All employees who are employed one-half time or more in covered positions of the state’s public school systems, regional and county libraries, RESA units, or any other agency of and within this state by which a teacher is paid are required to be members of the TRS as a condition of employment. Employees in covered positions of the University System of Georgia are also required to be TRS members unless they are eligible for participation in the optional retirement plan administered by the University System’s Board of Regents.
One-half time employees generally work 20 or more hours per week and half or more working days in a calendar month. Employees who do not meet these requirements are considered ineligible due to employment of less than 50%.
Private school employees are not eligible for TRS membership.
Georgia law was amended in 1976 allowing full-time public school lunchroom, maintenance and warehouse supervisors and managers the option to elect membership in TRS. In 1982, full-time transportation managers and supervisors were also allowed the option to elect membership in TRS. Special reporting requirements exist for these positions. Please refer to Elective Membership Reporting Requirements for the additional reporting procedures.
For information about non-covered positions, please click here.